The Pakele Foundation is a Hawai`i-based
nonprofit organization that offers unique opportunities to youth
and emerging musicians in our community to gain experience and
training in technology and economic development. The Foundation
was created by successful leaders and business people in the
Hawaiian community to provide support to “shovel ready” projects
that keep our youth engaged in healthy and productive activities.
The Foundation currently has three programs:
- Nā Leo Hou (The New Voices) – Young Musicians
- Nā Po`e U`i: “Ho`olale i ka `ai a ka u`i”
(The Young People: “Let the Youth Show us what he can Do.”)
– Youth Job Training and Internship Program
- `Ike - Indigenous Knowledge & Education:
Education Program that focuses on Culture, STEM (Science
Technology Engineering & Math) Education, Ecology &
- Mau A Mau (Forever & Ever) - Preservation
Initiative for Hawaiian History & Culture
- Hana Pa`a: “Maka`ala ke kanana kāhea manu” (To
Make Secure: One who wishes to succeed should be alert to
every opportunity.) – Business Training and Technical Assistance